PART THREE: What was I Thinking?!

It was the year, 2000~the new millennium!
This year was to be a very big year for my family; my two nephews were getting married
and in February of that magic year, at the Market Square trade show, a sales rep
from The Cracker Barrel restaurants comes into my booth
asking questions regarding one particular item... A snowflake Christmas light cover.
(see photo above)
I've always heard, "be careful what you wish for,"
never really understanding the ramifications of the quote until the day I received the wholesale order of a lifetime.

I have to be honest, I can not remember, 10 years later, the actual amount that was ordered; but, you will be able to see from all the photos, it was thousands!
So after taking out a 2nd mortgage, ordering all that wood, paint, make up (yes!) I gather my team together... (above, left to right, Dad, Mom & myself)
My dad would do the top coat of all the snowflakes - with a sponge roller!
My mom, (above) was blushing the snowflakes and I am showing all the bandaids on my fingers as I would wire each and every ornament.

We finally realized that we needed more help... I can't begin to explain all the steps it takes to make one of these snowflakes and I never realized how many steps it took until I was neck deep in wooden snow!!
My dad is placing instructions (which also had to be folded!) into tiny zip bags. (left above)
(center) Snowflake faces drying.
Bringing in reinforcements, my Uncle Al, in charge of placing the barcode stickers onto the backs of the ornaments. (above right)

My beautiful Aunts, Fanny & Sara, who helped in any way they could.

My sweet & wonderful cousins! These ladies are my rocks ~ we are together working crying and laughing!!
As you can see, it's my family that kept me sane during these months in 2000, in my parent's basement-as it was switched over to a crazed workshop!