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Friday, February 27, 2009

You DON'T need velcro rollers for CURLING!!

You're probably wondering, "why would a gal who lives in New Jersey and very close to the Atlantic coastline - so far from the mountains and very cold weather, would devote some time to the Art of Curling?"  Why would the words, "shot rock or sweeping" mean anything to me other than cleaning up the front walk?!

Fair question.  

Those who know me, know I'm all about the "craft" and mostly when the subject of  'curling' comes up, normally we are talking about the paper art of curling.  It's working with really thin pieces of paper and a little tool that is a great poker - enabling the crafter to 'curl' the paper...
But years ago, when the Sport of Curling became an Olympic event - I became ALL ABOUT it! So when it came time to write something today, Friday, February 27th - I felt it appropriate to write about what was on the television as I craft.  

The Olympic trials of Curling are on and as I crochet, I'm loving every minute of it!
Talk about inspiration.  It may seem crazy; but to watch the trials where strategy is the name of the game; is really amazing to watch.  Also, having it closely resembles my countrymen's sport of BOCCI also helps.   My memories of fun times with my family playing Bocci is the attraction to watching this terrific winter sport!

So, you go girls on that ice... 


Little Lotte is waiting for you...
A another wonderful Crafts Woman is opening an Etsy Shop and I just wanted to WELCOME her and her wonderful creative nature.  


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Inspiration from Rosey Sugar...

I believe it was last week when I was talking Inspiration... well if these cookies don't inspire us I'm not too sure what will.  Check them out!  They are on a photo stream from Flickr and one of my favorites, Rosey Sugar.  You just MUST click on the link and check out the work'woman's' ship that is put into these wonderful delights.

But I must admit there is so much more to just the yumminess of the cookies that is inspiration for me.  I just love the color palette, along with the delicate work that has gone in to creating something that seems more like a ceramic tile than a sugar cookie!  

I can remember years ago when I started working with a Sales Rep. firm and I was asked about my color palette and theme for the year and I looked at the young lady with squinty eyes.  Now, I do work within a specific parameter of colors - actually one's I know will sell- but then there are the colors that just make us happy and the above cookie colors are those I would choose on any day of the year.  
Thanks Rosey Sugar....  thanks for your inspiration!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

FAT Tuesday....

The Tuesday prior to the Lenten season, is considered, FAT TUESDAY.  The day we just fatten ourselves up for our Lenten sacrifice... I was on Flickr today and saw some amazing pictures of some gals going after their Marti Gras beads.  Didn't they know that all they had to do was just go out a buy some prior to the parade?  Or am I just being naive?  

Here is my kind of Fat Tuesday treat...  Wonderful chocolate treats made by The Frosted Cake N Cookie.  Click on the link and read how she shares with everyone how she went about creating such a wonderful set of cupcakes!  There's a pun in there somewhere I believe!   :D

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


My wonderful friend, Juliane of  Froken Skicklig, is offering a FABULOUS giveaway at her blog to celebrate the opening of her new shop on  You need to see her dolls; they are perfect creations of the joy that is in her soul.

Below is the giveaway package...
Wonderful hand crocheted mushrooms and a box full of secret fun!

Here's only one of her marvelous creations.  Based in both Germany & Sweden, Froken Skicklig has both lovely creative items for the home and for those of us who have still cling to the child within.  

Juliane, is a multi-talented woman who's interests range from the stage, with both live performances, to the imaginative, creating puppets and dolls to warm the hearts of all.

This is only part of the charm that is, Froken Skicklig.  The detail of her items goes even down to the wonder decorative tag that embellishes this pillow.  I implore you to stop by her blog and just see all that is Froken Skicklig!


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Lollipops! mosaic

Imagine my surprise today, when I went to visit my Flickr account and found the above Lollipop Mosaic - see link to site on right.   What makes me happy, well, other than seeing bright images of lollipops - my images of LOLLIPOPS! (top right corner)

Yeah!  Also included in the mosaic are the following shops at from top left to bottom right:

Sunday, February 15, 2009

All Dolled Up on Valentine's Day

Unfortunately, I had to work today, Valentine's Day... but that's ok because I did allow the girls to continue with their plans for their party!   I wasn't too sure show crazy things were going to get and I gave STRICT instructions for everyone to be on their very BEST behavior.

But it did cause me to post all the pictures very late.  But I still wanted everyone to see how much fun my dolls had on the day of LOVE....

Here's a picture of all the guests.  There's Sofia, Sara with the Tiara, Becky in the back.  On the right side is Emily.  She's wearing some very interesting earrings that you'll learn about later. Teddy.  Because he was the only boy, they made him a red crown.  It looked really nice on him I think.  Last but not least is Viola with the boa.  Boy that's funny how they rhymed!

Here's our Emily.  Because she had her chance wearing the tiara, she said she looked just like the tinsel tree; so she thought it would be funny to wear some of the ornaments that I hung on the tree.  When I saw the pictures, I thought perhaps she had too much faux punch to drink - but all she wanted to do was be festive!!

Crazy me placed this group of pictures in the wrong order.  The above picture is actually the first in the group - because it's of the two hostesses with their decorated table.  Viola wanted to wear the boa so I let her have it this morning.    I have to say, I was very proud of them because they cut out all their own decorations with the grown up scissors and hung the hearts and banners without any help.  

After my long, long day at work, I came home to find the girls relaxing on the couch with stories of their fun party.  Becky told me of all the gossip she heard.  It seems that Teddy will be off on another trip soon.  He takes LOTS of vacations; he's just a bear of the world.
It seems that the bunnies were tired too.  Check out how they are just flopped all over her!

Here's Viola with a SPECIAL Valentine.  Seems that someone left a special Valentine's Day Card for me and she opened it!  How could she??  Well, she thought it was from her boy friend but it wasn't.  It was cut and written by a very special 4 year old I know named, Ryan.    
But I couldn't get mad at her for opening the card, not when she looked as cute as she did with the tiara on her head!!  

Cakes, cakes and more cakes!!

WOW!  Boy don't you girls think you have too many cupcakes???  But they certainly are glittery!  Just great for a Valentine's Day Celebration.

While I was at work, they must have been busy with their Easy Bake Oven - there were cupcakes and glitter EVERY WHERE!!  

I have to admit, this is one of my favorite pictures from the evening.  Emily just wouldn't give up her new Valentine Tree earrings and Sara kept waving around her new borrowed boa!  I was told that they hardly sat still the entire night, so I'm guessing that I'm lucky to have this picture.  

The Party Continues!

This picture was taken earlier during the party to show off the table decorations.  The girls cut out a few felt hearts, pulled together a few of my fat quarters that I had sitting around and just threw it all together to look just smashing!

It seems that Emily just LOVES wearing those ornaments for earrings.  I think, she thinks, she's the life of the party!! 
I wish I could get away with wearing wonderful party shoes like she can!

Sofia arrived a bit late.  Here she is walking in as the girls were starting to sit around the party table.  
It looks as if she wore her special "party" hat!  Doesn't it just look GRAND!  Well, she carries a picture of her grandmother with her and the picture is on the brim of her hat!  Can you see the green frame next to the rose.  She's just one of the swankiest gals I know.   She has the confidence to pull together that outfit and wear it with loads of confidence!!

Here, it looks as if Teddy had a bit too much to drink.  He's just chatting with Elizabeth and she just seems to LOVE listening to whatever it is he's talking to her about.  Perhaps it's about his latest vacation.  Being the official bear of Mickey Mouse, he usually gets to take a trip or two to the Magical Kingdom.  Perhaps he's telling her about his adventures in the French Pavilion.  It looks as if he's showing her how they have people pretend they are statues!

Apparently there was a radio playing and Emily and Sofia wanted to listen to the song.  They were gathered around - but I think they were just a wee bit timid to sing.  That's a shame.  I found out later that if I had been there, they would have put on a show for me.  

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

I'm typing this entry up at work and I am hoping everyone is having a GREAT V-Day!!
I know I am missing the party at home with all the girls (my dolls of course) and will post those pictures tomorrow. I just hope that they aren't trashing the house. They are known to get pretty rowdy - so I'm just keeping my fingers crossed!!

Wishing everyone great love and kisses.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Inspirational Search....

The past week has been very trying for me and I've been questioning many things in my life, one of them being my sense of creativity.  I've been sitting around and paying too much attention to what's been going on around me rather than looking within - hopefully, I'll get past this spell and start feeling the "spring" in my step.  I know, very goofy joke!  

So what I hope to do for myself and perhaps, those who read this blog, is to find those who are inspiring me to keep that smile on my face.   Be ready, I may be emailing you, asking who or what inspires you!


Check out my latest purchase!!  Yeah!  Aren't these Plini's GREAT!!  They are made by a terrific lady and wonderfully creative crafter, Jamie Ferraioli, at Magic Bean Buyer.   

The pictures I've taken don't even begin to show the depth of these pieces along with the great attention to detail.  They are just beautiful.

Can you see the bunny on this lovie's head or what about my fav's, Peep?!!  That Peep is shimmering and oh so adorable.  
My apologies to Jamie, for really not showcasing her items to their peakness; 
so check them out at her Etsy shop:  or at her blog - it's right there at the right side of this page.   

Thanks Jamie, the Plini's came right at the perfect time to make me smile!  :D

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

New Arrivals! Great Favors...

Now the snow has arrived, so have a few items from the stork!  
I love babies; they smell nice and some have that tiny wisp of hair, ooohhh I could go on!  I can see why, now, my relatives always pinched my cheeks and gave me loud kisses!  

So here's some new arrivals.  The Ducky has twins that he's carrying around and there's this great banner to personalize anyway, anyone wants!   Check it out, can't forget the bling!  Around the neck of my ducky is a daisy with bling that just makes this one extra special.

The second item, which is currently in my Etsy Shoppe,; is a cute little bundle just dropped off by the stork.  I've already had a request for a change which was a TERRIFIC idea - I painted the hearts on top of the diaper blue for her little boy. Perhaps my mind has only been on girls lately, since we've had two additional girls in the family in the past two years!  

These were GREAT selling ornaments for Christmas but I made them originally for BABY SHOWER Favors.  So for what I hope will be the new arrival of Spring... my new Arrivals!  :D

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Evening Glow in the February Snow.

Just a quick post this evening to show how really crazy I am!

I usually don't take down my outdoor lights until Valentine's Day and this is why... the winter glow.
For us, it usually doesn't snow until the New Year and I just like to keep the block I live on well lit!
Winter is just way, way too dark for me; so I just keep those white lights burning and the electric company happy for a few more months.

And this is the view outside my front door this Tuesday evening....  :D

Monday, February 2, 2009

Salute to our phriend Phil.

I was given this attachment today, Feb. 2nd 2009, Ground Hog's Day and I see that it's going to be very inappropriate!  'Cause there's no reason for these guys to be mad.

This is a photo of a Global Warming Protest... and boy are these guys ANGRY!  Just check out the looks on their faces.  There's that one guy in the front who looks like he's about to spit ice! It's a wonder they didn't throw any snowballs!  

I'm so sure that they hail Punxsutawney Phil as their leader this year.  Phil saw his shadow for the first time in years and that means 6 MORE weeks of WINTER!  Ok, I'm all for that snowy dusting and there are some friends of mine around the earth that have had more than their fair share of the white stuff.  But Phil, come on... I know it was a clear, bright morning. But I'm sure with the overgrowth of trees up there on Gobbler's Knob that the last thing you saw was your own shadow!  It probably was just your girlfriend standing next to you !  
So, I declare an Early Spring, with the end of Winter to come real, real soon; and those Global Warming Protesters be darn!   Oh by the way, it's suppose to snow here tomorrow - 3 to 6 inches.  :D
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