This picture was taken earlier during the party to show off the table decorations. The girls cut out a few felt hearts, pulled together a few of my fat quarters that I had sitting around and just threw it all together to look just smashing!
It seems that Emily just LOVES wearing those ornaments for earrings. I think, she thinks, she's the life of the party!! I wish I could get away with wearing wonderful party shoes like she can!
Sofia arrived a bit late. Here she is walking in as the girls were starting to sit around the party table. It looks as if she wore her special "party" hat! Doesn't it just look GRAND! Well, she carries a picture of her grandmother with her and the picture is on the brim of her hat! Can you see the green frame next to the rose. She's just one of the swankiest gals I know. She has the confidence to pull together that outfit and wear it with loads of confidence!!
Here, it looks as if Teddy had a bit too much to drink. He's just chatting with Elizabeth and she just seems to LOVE listening to whatever it is he's talking to her about. Perhaps it's about his latest vacation. Being the official bear of Mickey Mouse, he usually gets to take a trip or two to the Magical Kingdom. Perhaps he's telling her about his adventures in the French Pavilion. It looks as if he's showing her how they have people pretend they are statues!Apparently there was a radio playing and Emily and Sofia wanted to listen to the song. They were gathered around - but I think they were just a wee bit timid to sing. That's a shame. I found out later that if I had been there, they would have put on a show for me.
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